Scimitar Shrine
Potentate's Message
Dear Nobles and Ladies,
Lady Debra and I want to wish you a Happy New Year. We hope that your Christmas was Merry and full of love and fun with the family. Sitting around the table enjoying the meal that was prepared, remembering the birth of Jesus Christ and the children and family opening presents.
Lady Debra and I want to Thank You for showing us support in electing me as your Potentate and First Lady for 2025. Having served as your Potentate and First Lady in 2020, the year of the Pandemic, we realize the daunting task before us. It’s going to be a busy year, and we ask for your support and helping making it a productive and fun year. For starters, we have the Installation of officers on January 4, the Big Buzz Chili Cookoff on Saturday, January 25, the Valentine’s Dinner on February 8 and the College Baseball Classic in Arlington, TX 21st thru the 23rd featuring the Arkansas Razorbacks as one of the teams.
My slogan this year is “Driving It Out of The Rock Helping Children” which coincides with SCSA 2025 Ceremonial that Scimitar will be hosting May 28-June 1, 2025. Illustrious Gardner Burton (President) and Illustrious Sir David Moore (Director General) are working hard in putting on the Ceremonial and will have more information on it later. Lady Debra and I will be hosting the Potentate’s Ball on Saturday, May 31. It has a sports theme to it. More information will be coming later.
As for membership we had a Masonic Recognition Banquet on November 2, 2024. We had Imperial Sir Bergenske as our guest speaker who talked about dedication and perseverance. We had approximately 22 in attendance and received 1 petition from it. Everybody enjoyed the meal and program. I ask that if you know of a man (mason) that would be a good Shriner ask him if he would like to become one. Have him go to “beashrinernow.com” and fill out the ePetition if he wants to become one. If he is not a Mason, we can help him become one if he wants by helping him fill out the first part of the ePetition, and one of the Membership team will contact them. We initiated 2 new Nobles at the December stated meeting. Congratulations to Noble Stephen Bennett and Chris Gimber. We also recognized 12 new Centennial Members and gave them a certificate and lapel pin. We also participated in the Holiday parades East End, Sherwood and North Little Rock. If you would like to Parade in 2025 , but do not have a ride, get with one of the Divan members or a Noble and we will help you in finding one.
In closing, I want to say Thank You to Illustrious Sir Rick “Sailor” Brandon and Lady Kim for a year of having Fun and Making Memories in 2024.Now let’s Thrive in 2025 by having fun and fellowship, helping the #! Philanthropy in the World :Shriners Children’s”. If you need anything, please give me a call, I’m here to serve.
Fraternally, John Robinson, PP

What we are about
Shriners International is a Fraternity which teaches ethics and morality. We welcome men of every color, creed, religion, sect, and opinion, but each candidate for Shriners International must be willing to profess his belief in a Supreme Being. No atheist can become a Shriner. The essential purpose of Shriners International is the further development of the individual Shriner as an honest, ethical, moral, sincere, caring, and charitable man, learning more about his own potential as a human being and developing his intellectual and spiritual character.